Section: New Results

Adaptability and faults

Participants : Mario Bravetti, Elena Giachino, Ivan Lanese, Michael Lienhardt, Jacopo Mauro, Davide Sangiorgi, Gianluigi Zavattaro.


We have continued the study of reversibility started in the past years, aimed at developing programming abstractions for reliable distributed systems. We have shown [39] preliminary results on the interplay between reversibility and compensations, which are a main ingredient in many existing techniques for reliability, in particular long running transactions.

We have then applied [43] our reversibility theory to μOz, a concurrent programming language defined by a stack-based abstract machine, and we make it reversible. This is a first step towards the definition of reversible variants of more complex languages. As additional result we show that the memory overhead due to reversibility is optimal as an order of magnitude.

Primitives for adaptable and evolving components

We study primitives for adaptable and evolving components both in an abstract algebraic setting and in a more concrete setting based on the ABS object-oriented language.

We have defined [13] adaptable processes, a concurrent higher-order calculus where processes have a location, and are sensible to actions of update at runtime. This allows us to express a wide range of evolvability patterns. We have also defined [24] a temporal logic over adaptable processes, with examples of the expressiveness of the logic and of its significance in relation to the calculus of adaptable processes.

A different direction has focused on ABS, a concurrent object-oriented language based on futures for asynchronous method invocations and on object groups for concurrency control. We have given [38] an overview of the architectural aspects of ABS: a feature-driven development workflow, a formal notion of deployment components for specifying environmental constraints, and a dynamic component model that is integrated into the language. We have employed an industrial case study to demonstrate how the various aspects work together in practice. In [40] we have focused on the component model and studied techniques allowing safe dynamic reconfiguration. Our approach adds to ABS: i) output ports to represent variability points, ii) critical sections to control when updates of the software can be made and iii) hierarchy to model locations and distribution. These different notions work together to allow dynamic and safe update of a system.

Reconfigurability in the cloud

The cloud is a relevant application domain for FOCUS. We have considered [35] the problem of deploying and (re)configuring resources in a cloud setting, where interconnected software components and services can be deployed on clusters of heterogeneous (virtual) machines that can be created and connected on-the-fly. We introduce a component model to capture similar scenarii from realistic cloud deployments, and instrument automated planning of day-to-day activities such as software upgrade planning, service deployment, elastic scaling, etc. We formalize the model and characterize the feasibility and complexity of configuration achievability.

Delta-Oriented Programming and Software Product Lines

Delta-oriented programming (DOP) provides a technique for implementing Software Product Lines based on modifications (add, remove, modify) to a core program. Unfortunately, such modifications can introduce errors into a program, especially when type signatures of classes are modified in a non-monotonic fashion. To deal with this problem in we have designed [42] a type system for delta-oriented programs based on row polymorphism. This exercise elucidates the close correspondence between delta-oriented programs and row polymorphism.

In [41] we have studied the notion of conflict for a variant of DOP without features, separating out the notions of hard and soft conflict. Specifically, we have defined a language for this subset of DOP and give a precise, formal definition of these notions. We have then extended the type system in [42] to ensure that the computation of a well-typed product will always succeed and has an unambiguous result.